Friday, April 16, 2010

Tour of Hermann - Behind the scenes part 4

Day got started with marking the road race - co-pilot and I made quick work of direction arrows so no one gets lost. Say hello to Hadley, she loves a good drive.

MODOT has done some work on the RR course, many of the winter pot holes have been filled. The views are awesome this year, so much has filled in.

Next, Dawndi and I canvased the crit course neighborhood with no parking and street closure notices. This is always a good time, some like the race and some are not a big fan. That's normal, we all can't be cycling fans.

We had one near catastrophe with a weeding that takes place on Saturday. I won't go into details but lets just say things go heated for a bit.

There will always be one or two things you just can't control that makes life interesting when you put on a race like this. Today that was crit course street cleaning. The city did sweep but the sweeper was not working like it should and ended up breaking down. So that meant it had to be cleaned with brooms. Dawndi and I spent the better part of the day sweeping corners and straights along the majority of the course.
Take a look at this photo, we swept the entire thing like it was your kitchen floor from one to another. Then whent to the next street and did it again and again. So if you see a small rock or two, well that is just the way it is, we did the best we could. Today we have two more blocks to get done then it's ready.
Say Hello to Dawndi, without her help today I may still out there sweeping.

Today is straw bails, no parking signs, street closure equipment placement then pre-packet pick up at Stone Hill Winery tonight.
This will be it for behind the scenes till Monday.
To all the riders and your families/friends, have a great race and enjoy Hermann!

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