The rain did not start till after I made the hour trip to Inssbrook. The only training I got in was a 3.2 mile run on the course. Nice route with a few rollers. The entire place looks much like it does here at home. Lots of hills and trees. While on the run I had this owl fly by me landing in a tree next to me. I got a quick photo before it flew off again.

I did not get a swim in but I did get the chance see the course.

With thunder and lighting starting to show it's head I decided to pack it up. On the way out I did drive the bike course. Nice route, lots of hills and great roads!
Rain made for a bummer day but at least I did get to see the place.
The cold is in it's last stage, should be able to get back on track next week.
That is a real "hoot"....