Shaun and I made our way to CB in just under two hours Sunday. Once there we suited up and off we went. Just before we left 3 other guys from the KC area showed up for a ride/workday that was going on. We waited on them to get ready then we all took to the woods.
The place was awesome, nice trail, challenging, rocky and great views. Could not enjoy the views much as the trail took all my concentration. After one lap the KC crew took off for their work day and Shaun and I headed out for another lap. This lap I tried to pick up the pace to get an idea what my map time for the upcoming rim wrecker would be. Did my 2nd lap in 1 hour 16 min. I'm sure I can do better than that in two weeks, but we'll see. Keeping things steady and in control will be the game plan for this race. With lap times over one hour it will be a two lap, 2.5 hour race for sure. Not bonking mentally will be key.
We did see a few others out there, Drew and Christopher from Mesa and two guys from Redwheel. Never did ride much with any of them as they were doing counterclockwise laps.

After my 2nd lap I doubled back to get Shaun and we headed up the Ozark Trail a bit before turning back to the truck calling it a day.
Sunday is the first Mid West Fat Tire points race of the season. Looking forward to this one as last time I was out there was in 2007 racing the endurance class. Had no legs and suffered all day, looking to turn that sour memory into something positive.
Go get em - Jeff. Good luck in your racing season. We look forward to the reports and pictures.