4:30 rolled around, I bolted from work to get in some miles before the 6pm start. Tony met up with me fro a pre-ride at 5.
6pm: Tony I headed back to meet up with anyone who would show. Jose, local TT madman, and the Montague's showed up but one of them was running late so we started without them.
Perfect 10 mile ride out to the start with Jose and Tony

Jose says "I feel good"

Tony turned back before we got started so it was just Jose and I timing ourselves for the 10 mile TT back home.
Jose took off first....

Waiting one min before I take off. Jose had a bit of a sinus cold so I thought this might be my one time shot to beat him this year. :)

The tail wind was nice all the way back, I pushed about 25 mph with some spurts of 27. 25 min 1 sec later I crossed the line. Jose posted a time for 24 min 27 sec. This guy will end up later in the year posting 22 min times. He may be breaking out the monster TT bike here soon...
Good job, Jeff. I'll bet this going to be the start of something really good and big. I think, down the road, you are going to want a time keeper.