So Froze Toes as postponed till next week, so now what do I do on a cold windy day like Sunday was? How about a long run.?
Did this 13.5 mile route. Lots of hills and some gravel road. Fun run, hardest and longest run I have done to date. Furthest run I did before this was a 10 mile in flat Oklahoma over Christmas.

Felt like I had good legs, wish I could have used them on the bike.... today however my legs know that were hit hard on Sunday, may just walk for an hour or so before work.
Nice run. That is some serious elevation change. How are you balancing your running and biking? At what point are you doing too much running?
Good question John, It got me thinking about what others think on this topic too. Check out the talk here
For me I like the running, it's the first year I have given running this much time. Helps get me outside on those cold nasty days and a great off season way to stay in shape.
Plus, I have a few early season duathlons this year so it will help there too.
This year 1/3 of my total miles have been running. When the race season gets going running time will drop.