Threat of rain all day long, it had to finally let loose sometime and it did right before the A race.
So a warm up in the rain on a slippery hard packed trail was in order. Out of my comfort zone but determined to make the best of it while working on getting better in conditions like this.
After a few pre laps
Race went surprisingly well. I did not not try to start with the lead group today, rather I elected to settle in about 3/4 of the way back in the filed of 45.
As the laps went on the conditions got better and I started to get in a good rhythm moving my way up.
Even had sprint to the line for 15th on the day.
Not near as fast or as hard an effort as last week, average speed was 1.0 mph slower.
Springfield is next on Sunday.
Power Analysis
Conditions: Rain, wet, slippery
Placing: 15th
Weight 137lbs
Time: 0:37:10
Avg Speed: 15.7
Distance: 13.97 miles
Average Watts: 216w
Normalized Power: 230w
Max Power: 796w
Mean Max 5-secs: 708w
Mean Max 10-secs: 552w
Mean Max 20-secs: 446w
Mean Max 30-sec: 357w
Mean Max 1-mins: 324w
Mean Max 2-mins: 297w
Mean Max 5-mins: 272w
Mean Max 20-mins: 223w
Mean Max 30-mins: 218w
Kilojoules: 482kj
TSS: 44.9
IF: .852
Nice work. Sorry I missed you out there, we got there just in time for the end of the B's