Did not make the final Bubba race today so I went to the local park to train. I've been using this park for cross practice/ lap intervals most of the cross season. Had a nice workout and enjoyed the perfect weather that today offered.
Jeff - good luck with the training leading up to the big event in KC. I wish you well. If KC is half the race that we had in Iowa City - you are in for a real treat. I think there were 60-70 racers in the 4/3 race. All of the cats. were great fun to watch. John
Jeff - good luck with the training leading up to the big event in KC. I wish you well. If KC is half the race that we had in Iowa City - you are in for a real treat. I think there were 60-70 racers in the 4/3 race. All of the cats. were great fun to watch.
Bubba 7 was pretty good. Too bad you missed it. Hay that park looks like a nice place to train. Good luck this weekend!